Meta Pioneer


Services/ Bedbugs

Bed Bug Management by Metapioneer Urban Solutions Pvt.Ltd.

Bed bugs, being challenging pests are difficult to get rid of and require special training and knowledge in the subject for effective treatment. You should seek professional help if you want to thoroughly address the bed bug problem at your home. As bed bugs reproduce quickly, the quicker you can control them, the easier it will be to effectively deal with them

Our  bed bug services are more efficient than those of the other PCOs as our operators are trained to identify the signs of bedbug infestation.

Our Spray-based bedbug management solution

Our trained team thoroughly inspects your premises for eggs and if spotted, we crush and remove them . Further, we treat all the likely hideouts of the bed bugs to maximize the chance of eliminating bed bugs from your home.

We carefully spray chemical pesticides on all items in the vicinity of a bed bug infestation including baseboards, floor and wall junctions, tack strips under carpets, electrical outlets and switches, cracks in the walls and floors, wall-mounted items and structural voids.

Our two types of bed bug treatments are:
  • Single treatment of two services and sixty-day warranty.
  • AMC treatment of three services in a year.

As part of our Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for treatment against bed bugs, we visit our customers house thrice a year.

We give our customers’ experience the utmost importance and offer a 60-day warranty and free follow-up visits to ensure that your problem is fully resolved.

What can you do to prevent beg bugs at your home?

Living with bed bugs is notoriously unpleasant. These opportunistic pests hide close to the humans to sneak out and draw the blood of the host without them noticing . A bed bug injects saliva to numb the area it bites, so the bitten person does not feel the pain. Some ways that can prevent you from hosting these pests at your home are-

  • Inspect second-hand furniture closely for bed bugs before you bring it home.
  • Inspect your home regularly for bed bugs.
  • Keep your luggage away from your bed after travelling.
  • Clean or change your bed sheets regularly to expose a bed bug infestation.
  • Remove all clutter from your home.

How do I know that my home is infested with bedbugs?

These signs may help you to find bedbug infestation though these signs may be misunderstood with similar ones of other insects.
1. Bed bug foecal matter leaves stains on fabric
2. Bed bugs shed skin in molting and the skins from many bed bugs is evidence of their presence
3. Blood stains from crushed bed bugs that have fed on blood
Bedbugs are more likely to harbor more in or on materials made of wood, paper, or fabric and less in those materials made of metal or plastic. Common hiding places are located within six or fewer feet from where humans sleep or rest.
Places where you can find bed bugs include mattress seams and tufts, wood joints of box springs beneath covers, joints of bed frames, behind headboards, under loose wallpaper, behind picture frames, and inside furniture.

Let’s dive into more facts and trivia about bed bugs!

Bedbugs are small, reddish-brown, and oval-shaped. The nymphs are less than 5 mm long and almost colorless and are extremely difficult to identify.

Bedbugs can produce three or more generations each year. Female bedbugs lay 200-500 eggs over their lifetimes usually two to five eggs per day, on rough surfaces such as wood or paper near their hosts’ sleeping places, resting places, or both.

These pests cover their eggs with glue-like material and the eggs hatch in 10 to 15 days at room temperature. After hatching, bed bugs eggshells frequently remain stuck in their place.

1. The Lifecycle

Bedbugs have five nymphal stages. They need at least one blood meal before molting to the next stage.

The Bedbug life cycle from an egg to an adult takes about four months, depending on the temperature and availability of blood, their food. Bed bugs grow faster with rise of temperatures.

Bed bugs can live up to 20 to 400 days without food, depending on the temperature and humidity. Older stages of bed bug nymphs can survive longer without food as compared to the younger ones, and adults can survive without food for more than 400 days in a laboratory at low temperatures.  Adult bed bugs may live up to one year or more.

2.What Attracts bed bugs?

Bed bugs are attracted to heat and carbon monoxide from the human breath. The senses of the bed bugs helps them to find the blood vessels closest to the surface of the skin.

3.How do bed bugs find their way to our homes?

Untidiness and the presence of bed bugs has no co-relation. You can find bed bugs in  clean hotel beds too as, they might have gotten transported with the luggage or bags of travelers.

People may pick up bed bugs in theaters or on buses and trains or by bringing infested clothing, bedding, furniture, and luggage into their home.


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