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Services/ Cockroach

Cockroach Management by Metapioneer Urban Solutions Pvt.Ltd.

We are provides you with the best cockroach pest control service through a quick, safe, effective, and stress-free solution. We rely on advanced odourless gel bait application to manage the roaches at your home.

Our odourless gel-based cockroach treatment

We offer the most advanced gel-treatment to control cockroaches at your place. modern pest solutions’s trained team applies the gel bait in very tiny pin-sized drops at your home without you having to step out of your home or emptying your drawers and cabinets. Even better, you don’t even need to leave your home during or after our treatment.

We apply the odourless gel against cockroaches at their harbourage as cupboards,  drawers, below kitchen sinks, and kitchen appliances. The gel-bait applied by us is an edible pesticide especially formulated to attract cockroaches and kill them after they ingest it.

How does our odourless-gel help in controlling a cockroach infestation?

Cockroaches that have eaten the gel can kill other cockroaches. This happens because cockroaches are in habit of feeding on carcasses of dead individuals (called necrophagy) and the faecal matter (coprophagy) of cockroaches that have fed on gel bait.  Such death of cockroaches due to their feeding on excreta of other cockroaches and remains of dead ones is called the cascading effect.

The science behind the cascading effect leads to quick eradication of all members of the population. Generally, about eighty per cent of cockroaches in a colony die in one week after gel baiting. The remaining cockroaches are effectively controlled within three weeks.

We take about a half-hour to carry out gel baiting of an average-sized apartment against cockroaches.

As part of our Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for treatment against cockroaches, we visit our customer’s homes thrice a year.  At homes of customers signing up for a two-year AMC, we provide six services during the contract.

In the rare case that our treatment is less effective than desired and you find cockroaches at your home, we provide additional treatment at your premises free of cost to you.


What can you do to prevent cockroaches at your home?

If you make your home inhospitable for cockroaches, there are lesser chances of you finding them at your place. You can take the following measures to make your space inhospitable-

  • Seal all cracks and crevices inside and outside your home, as those places can harbour cockroaches.
  • Avoid moisture build-up by unclogging drains and fixing leaks.
  • Soak dishes in the sink overnight with soapy solution to prevent cockroaches from accessing food residues in the dishes.
  • Wipe and remove traces of sugary solutions when cleaning dining tables as such residues can attract cockroaches which like to feed on sugar.
  • Dispose-off any unused cardboard packaging as it is a favoured material of cockroaches to lay eggs and multiply.
Troubles cockroaches can cause in your house!

Cockroaches are unique and displeasing creatures which have adapted themselves since millions of years to thrive best in a wide range of habitats. They destroy fabric and paper as they come in contact with, resulting in triggered allergic reactions, asthma, and spreading disease-causing pathogens.

Thirty species of cockroaches are associated with human habitats and considered as pests, though a few most commonly create a nuisance to the urban community

Let’s dive into more facts and trivia about cockroaches!

Homes in India are most commonly contaminated with two types of cockroaches which are, the German cockroach or Blatella germanica and the American cockroach or Periplaneta americana.

German Cockroaches are the smaller ones among the two, measuring up to 1.5 cm and living up to a year. They are oval, pale brown and you can easily identify them through the two dark bands behind their head. They can be mostly found in the kitchen, dining area.

American cockroaches are larger of the two types of cockroaches at Indian homes.  They are 5 cm long and reddish-brown in colour.  You can identify them through the light yellow band on the shield behind their head.  Adult American cockroaches can fly and live up to two years. American cockroaches are found in basements, sewers, and other damp places around a home.

Thus, it is of utmost importance to know if our house is contaminated with these pests.


Ready to Fight Cockroaches with Metapioneer Urban Solutions Pvt.Ltd.

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