Metapioneer Urban Solutions Pvt.Ltd. provides you with the best fly pest control service through a quick, safe, effective, and stress-free solution. We rely on advanced treatments to manage the flies at your home.
Services / Flies
How can Metapioneer Urban Solutions you tackle flies?
We uses chemical and mechanical means to control flies. We spray long residual effect chemical pesticides to manage flies.
We also do baiting of flies as that is the best approach to fly control. We use a bait formulation that remains active when wet to lure and kill flies. Fly control bait is suitable only outdoors and helps in the mass killing of flies.
Additionally, our team installs Insect Light Traps (ILTs) for attracting and trapping flies indoors. As blue and UV light attracts flies, we use light traps to capture flies in commercial premises.
Installation of ILTs and glue traps are supplementary to outdoor fly control as these traps help us monitor the fly population and identify the type of infestation.
How do flies enter your home?
Doors or windows with no screens, open garbage bins, manure pits, fermenting fruits, spilled aerated beverages, and open containers of alcohol, attract flies to enter indoors. Adult flies lay eggs on moist surfaces, cracks, washbasin corners and sink pipes.
What can you do to prevent flies at your home?
Flies buzzing around us can drive us crazy and many of us often notice flies infest our homes during late spring, summer, and monsoon. They need moisture for growing from eggs. They love to feed, breed, crawl and rest on rotting trash, dirty dumps, carcasses, and dung heaps.
- Inspection, sanitation and exclusion are major ways to prevent fly problems. Inspection finds out the cause of infestation and breeding sites and leads to sanitation. Other control methods are more effective with sanitation.
- Throwing out rotting food and sanitizing garbage disposal are important to keep flies at bay.
- Keep trash in sealed containers in trash bags and/or cans with tight-fitting lids.
- Keep dumpsters clean and far from buildings.
- After inspection and sanitation, comes exclusion. Keeping doors, windows and vents closed and screening and sealing fly entry points are integral to effective fly management.
- Use exhaust fan and air curtains to blow air away from doorways and prevent fly entry. Call pest control professionals for further assistance.
Ready to fight filth flies with Metapioneer Urban Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
Let’s dive into more facts and trivia about filth flies!
What are the different types of filth flies?
There are mainly two types of filth flies based on their appearance and food preferences, small and large filth flies. House flies, blowflies and flesh flies, are relatively larger, soft-bodied insects with large eyes and occur on manure, carrion, garbage and are strong fliers. Drain flies, fruit flies, and phorid flies are smaller ones and occur in drain sludge, organic debris, rotting plant materials. They are comparatively smaller with more delicate bodies and legs.
House Fly (Musca domestica)
House flies are dull grey in color, quarter-inch long with four dark stripes on the middle section (thorax) of their body. They lay eggs on animal feces and garbage. Their white and apodous or legless maggots (the larval stage) hatch from eggs to grow half an inch long.
Fully grown larvae crawl away from their food sources to enter the pupal stage, in which they form a dark brown cocoon, the puparium. Adult house flies can fly one or two miles in search of suitable egg-laying sites.
Blow Flies (Calliphoridae spp.)
They are shiny blue and green in color and make sounds by beating their wings when they fly. Large numbers of blowflies indoors indicate a dead mouse or bird inside your home. The larvae develop inside the bodies of dead animals, causing the carrion to have a bloated appearance.
Flesh Flies (Sarcophagidae spp.)
Flesh flies lay their eggs in carrion. Adults are dark-colored, and, either grey or black. Common flesh fly species have three dark stripes on the thorax and are slightly larger than house flies and have a checkerboard pattern on the abdomen.
Stable Fly (Stomoxys calcitrans)
These flies feed on the blood of animals, including humans and though they deliver painful bites they are not known to transmit diseases to humans. Females lay eggs in rotting straw, manure, and moist surfaces.
Fruit Flies (Drosophila spp.)
They are small, winged insects commonly found swarming around overripe, unrefrigerated produce in food areas. They are attracted to sweet or fermented liquids like liquor, syrup, carbonated beverages, and vinegar. Females lay almost 500 eggs in their life cycle. The gnat-sized adults typically have tan-colored bodies and red eyes.
Phorid Flies (Phoridae spp.)
Phorid flies resemble fruit flies and are tiny, dark-colored flies. They are humpbacked flies because of their arched thorax. Their larvae feed on decomposing organic debris of plants or animals and their population growth is rapid.
Drain Flies (Psychodidae spp.)
These are ash color flies of about one-eighth of an inch long. They have hairy wings and are most commonly found in sewage and near drains. Adults often rest on bathroom walls and their submerged larvae can survive in the gelatinous muck of floor, sink, and toilet drains. For breathing, when submerged, they extend their breathing tubes to the surface for air. Adults lay 30-100 eggs and their eggs hatch in forty-eight hours. Their life span is 8-21 days.
Why are flies dangerous?
Seeing flies at your home is a sign of unhygienic conditions because they can transmit diarrhea, cholera, and dysentery.
Flies have spongy mouthparts and spurs on their body which carry lots of unsafe germs as they travel from dirty trash to your food. House flies regurgitate their stomach contents onto your food to liquefy it before ingesting it. They also may contaminate food and surfaces by defecating on them. When they move across your food after landing on it, they contaminate it with disease-causing pathogens.